I work nights and have four VCRs connected to four
converter boxes to tape my shows. Some run at the
same time on different channels. I discovered the
Zinwell is the best converter box for the VCR. It has
a matching eight event timer that can turn itself on and
off and select the channel. I bought mine at a local
grocery store, but it can be seen at solidsignal.com
A strong tv signal is very important. I also found the
Zenith and Radio Shack Digital Stream converter boxes
to be good. The other down side is picture shake on
playback. The Sony VCRs are better than most.
Panasonic is hit or miss with the picture shake.
The other down side is a more involved recording setup.
A DVR ($250) would solve these problems but cost.
I think you can press the TV / VCR button and watch
another channel, but don't quote me.