Well FIRST you need a Colorimeter (or a guy with the equipment)
Next you NEED to access the TV's WB service page (Ancient Chinese Secret!)
THEN you might even have to Find a GAMMA page (depends on the manufacturer's Secret Service Page of Secret Service Settings)
Why is it SECRET?
Because if you MIS-ADJUST just ONE ouf of 700 + adjustments, you can CRIPPLE your TV set so bad that the only thing a TV service man can do for you is to replace the EEPROMS that hold the Secret Service Codes....
By the way...most LCD and Plasma TV sets were Calibrated by a machine that does that job at the manufacturer anyways....isn't it a little REDUNDANT to be TRYING to do it yourself?
Even when the salesman ATTEMPTS to sell you the color Calibration for $400, you should not get it done right out of the box...
ONLY Plasmas and CRT projection TV set need calibrated....AND only after you have used if for at least 3 to 5 years !!
Me, I just RE-Calibrated my CRT projection TV after 2 years, and I have the equipment to do it...
Right out of the box it's ok...And LCDs and DLPs NEVER require CALIBRATION....NEVER! The Worst they need to color-correct is a user-replacable LAMP job.
So...do you really WANT to do this to your TV set? If so, make a note of the ORIGINAL numbers, and WHERE you went into the service menu, and WHAT you adjusted, and WHAT you did LAST before the TV stopped working.
Then you may only get charged $400 to fix it....instead of $800./