Okay so last christmas i got a visio flatscreen tv. My warrenty is still good for a few more months but i dont want to replae it. I hope this is an easy fix. So heres the problem... Last week i watched tv and my tv was fine. I didnt have any problems. Well today, exactly a week later i wayched tv for the first time since then an it only came on for about 3 minutes. It shut off then and then the little visio logo that lights up when it is turned on an off came on and the a few seconds later went off again. It kept doing this repetitively every few seconds. I googled it an tried a few things. I tried inplugging the power cord, unplugging every cord attached to my tv, seitching wall outlets, and holding down the power button for 30 seconds. Nothing worked. I really hope this is an easy fix and if you have any suggestions or know how to fix it i would like all the help i an get . Thanks(: